Garbage collectors happy to aid COVID fight

Garbage collectors happy to aid COVID fight

by Akera Davis - STAR Writer -April 15, 2020 Sometimes overlooked, garbage collectors, who have always been on a mission to keep the environs clean, are being named among the essential service workers on the front line fighting against COVID-19. THE STAR spoke...

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Reduction In Backlog Of Garbage

Reduction In Backlog Of Garbage

The National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) has reported a reduction in the backlog of garbage collected over the last few weeks. “What we are finding is that we are receiving fewer calls and complaints. The trucks are actively collecting and the traffic has...

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Golden Age Home And Infirmaries Cleaned And Sanitised

CORONAVIRUS MARCH 30, 2020 WRITTEN BY: GARFIELD L. ANGUS A comprehensive cleaning and sanitising exercise was carried out today (March 30), at the Golden Age Home in Vineyard Town, Kingston, by the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development. Similar...

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NSWMA head urges dump ‘hustlers’ to practise good hygiene

RETIREMENT, St James — Executive director of the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) Audley Gordon has urged individuals sorting waste at the Retirement Disposal Site in St James, to adopt good personal hygiene in the wake of the novel coronavirus...

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Garbage Another Front Line In Virus Fight

Published:Friday | March 20, 2020 | 12:18 AM Judana Murphy/Gleaner Writer Dwayne Gordon is a resident of Riverton Meadows who is engaged in scrap-metal trading. The bulk of the items he trades for cash are salvaged from the community dump that hoovers up all the solid...

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Western Parks And Markets Implements COVID-19 Safeguards

Published:Wednesday | March 18, 2020 | 12:19 AM Western Parks and Markets (WPM) Waste Management Limited has implemented strict protocols to maintain efficient service delivery while safeguarding employees and the public against the coronavirus disease 2019...

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